Verklaring persoonsgegevens & privacybeleid Orikami app


Privacy statement Orikami app

Version date: June 2023

Legal basis
You can decide for yourself if you want to use the Orikami app and if you want to issue your personal data to us. If you do not want to issue your personal data, you cannot use the Orikami app. This is because your personal data is necessary for the use of the app. You can decide to stop using the Orikami app at any time.

By giving your consent for the processing of your personal details, you give Orikami BV, with its registered office at Ridderstraat 29, 6511 TM Nijmegen, as the data controller, consent to use the personal data listed below. This data will be used in accordance with the arrangements described in this Privacy Statement.

You can withdraw your consent for the use of your personal data at any time. See also below ‘More information about your rights with regard to the processing of personal data’.

What personal data does Orikami process, and for what purposes?
For authentication and for contact in the event of problems with the app, the following details are stored:

  • Your e-mail address and password. Your password is encrypted when it is stored, which means third parties cannot read your password.

  • The date on which you have received an invitation by e-mail to start using Orikami, or your e-mail address is verified, and the dates on which you accepted a privacy statement of the app.

  • The login history of the past two days, including the IP address which you logged in from.

  • The date on which you last logged in, with the associated IP address and telephone ID, and the last time that you set or changed your password.

  • The total number of times that you logged in and all the internet browsers that were used for the authentication.

To give you and/or your caregivers insight into the symptoms of your illness and for the further development of the Orikami, we collect:

  • Answers to daily questions about, for example, concentration, stress, memory, pain, mood, energy and the influence of your health on your daily functioning.

  • Sensor data that is collected while you are doing tests on your telephone, as well as the test results. The exact data that we collect will depend on the tests that are selected for you by your medical specialist. We use data from, amongst other things, the GPS sensor (to calculate the distance travelled during walking tests), the accelerometer and the gyroscope.

  • Personal notes that you enter in the app that might be useful for your treatment or the research study.

  • Information about the type of smartphone that you use.

Personal details that we only store if you fill in the profile page in your app:

  • Your name; so we can contact you personally in the event of any problems with the app and for the salutation in any personal messages in the app.

  • The profile information and medical details filled in by you; in order to calculate the reference values and to enhance the interpretation of your test results.

We do not use any automated decision-making processes.

The processors of your personal data and where your data is stored
We give your caregivers access to your data so they can use this data to monitor the progress of your symptoms. If you participate in a specific study, we will give the researchers access to your data in accordance with the consent that you have given to them. Your caregivers and/or the researchers involved may enter your data into their Electronic Patient Records or another database, in accordance with their privacy statement.

For the storage and processing of your personal data, we use the servers of IT service providers. We only use servers within the European Economic Area.

In the interests of the development and the management of the Orikami app, we can share your personal data with our parent company Orikami Group BV, which both have their registered office at the same address as Orikami BV.

Data retention period
We will keep your data for a minimum of five years after your last usage or after the termination of your account. Your data might still be important for your treatment after many years, which is why we have to store your data for so long. At the end of the retention period, your data will be erased. Of course, you can always ask us to erase your data before the expiry of the aforementioned retention period.

How you can access your personal data
You can access and if necessary change your own data at the time. If you want to know what personal data of yours we have saved, or if you want to change your personal details, you can contact You can also submit a request for your data to be erased from our database.

More information about your rights with regard to the processing of personal data
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to access, rectify or erase your personal data. Furthermore, you have a right to withdraw any consent that you have given for data processing and to object to the processing of your personal data by your caregiver and/or Orikami BV, and you also have the right to data portability. This means you can submit a request asking us to send all the personal data we have about you in a computer file to you or to an organization designated by you.

You can send a request for access, rectification, removal or transfer of your personal data, or to withdraw your consent or to object to the processing of your personal data to So we can verify that the request for access has been made by you, you have to send a copy of a valid identity document with your request. You should cover up your face, MRZ (machine readable zone, strip of numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and citizen service number (BSN) before you send this copy. This in order to protect your privacy.

Important: Your caregivers and/or the researchers of studies in which you participate also have access to the data we shared with them as indicate above under the heading “The processors of your personal data and where your data is stored”. Even in case we rectify or erase your data upon your request, this will not affect the data they store. If you want them to rectify or erase this data as well you will need to address this with them as well.

In the event of questions or complaints about the processing of your personal data, you can send an e-mail to our Privacy Officer at We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, but in any case within four weeks. Contact details of the privacy officer from your caregivers organization can be found on their website.

If your questions or complaints about the processing of your personal data are not dealt with to your satisfaction by us, then you can contact the Data Protection Authority.

Changes to the privacy statement, questions or comments
This privacy statement may be changed from time to time. Any changes will be announced to you via the app or via the website

If you have any questions or comments about the processing of your personal data, you can send an e-mail to