Project “Vitale Vezels”
Together with a strong group of consortium partners, who provide expertise across a broad range of relevant topics ranging from high-tech textiles to data management and wound care, Vitalwear has been awarded an EFRO OPZuid subsidy project to develop its minimum viable product.
The aim of the project is to develop a textile sensor surface (e.g. in the form of a mattress cover sheet) that incorporates optical fibers that can measure multiple biomarkers at the same time (pressure and temperature). These textile sensor sheets must be able to continuously and autonomously monitor relevant patient data and detect critical patient conditions in a non-invasive way.
Initially, the intention is to develop a system for predicting and preventing pressure ulcers, via the individual monitoring of health parameters and the smart use of biomarkers and algorithms.
The developed technology must be tested and validated in a clinical setting, to test whether the technology works and to create the necessary evidence for future customers and users – and to lay the foundation for the development of a marketable product that can be successfully applied to result in improved care at lower costs.
The initial concept consists of a textile surface in which optical fibers that sense pressure and temperature have been integrated. An interrogator device activates the sensors, reads the feedback information and transmits it to the backend system, where signal processing and data analysis takes place. The resulting information is subjected to data processing algorithms that may make use of AI modules and that analyze the patient-specific risk of the formation of pressure ulcers. The connected care management system provides the nurses with a visual overview of the relevant patient-specific data and assists them with taking the best possible decisions for providing optimal care.
The KRANE platform of Orikami will be used as the cloud infrastructure for the product to store, share and process data.
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