PROMPT – Freezing of Gait / Balance Digital Biomarker
The activities listed below are made possible by the European Union.
PROMPT (Personalised-care and Research On Motoric-dysfunctioning for Patient-specific Treatments) project receives a subsidy for the following activity(s):
Development of an integrated system for the diagnosis, analysis and treatment of mobility problems. This enables personalized treatment of patients affected by brain disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease.
Project description: Freezing of Gait (FoG) is the most bothersome gait difficulty experienced by people with Parkinson’s disease. FoG is assessed by visual gait analysis during clinical consultations.
However, the episodic character of FoG makes it difficult to accurately assess the severity of FoG. Therefore, reliable detection of FoG outside hospital environments would enhance care for this disabling symptom. The PROMPT/FoG project is aimed to develop a balance sensoring/FoG detection system for use in the home environment.
Participants: Three SME companies – Orikami, Artinis and ANT Neuro are working together with Radboud University and University of Twente on this project. These parties combine expertise in Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), Mobile Electroencephalography (EEG), fall detection and prediction algorithms, data analysis, brain and mobility research.
The end goal: To create a “personalised-care, diagnostical and treatment system” for patients with movement disorders resulting from cerebral disease, such as Parkinson’s disease. The system – a mobile tool is able to monitor each patient specifically and provide personalized advice for treatment options.
The operational program (OP) ERDF East Netherlands is a joint subsidy program of the provinces Overijssel and Gelderland. It is working on structurally strengthening the economy.
East Netherlands will use the ERDF resources to stimulate innovation and a low-carbon economy. The aim is for more East Netherlands SMEs to generate more turnover from new products.
With a team of data scientists and researchers, we are on a mission to improve 100 million lives by 2030 through access to personalized healthcare.